113 问题:CiscoPIX防火墙产品与软件防火墙产品(如Checkpoint Firewall-1)相比有何 优势?
答案:首先,CiscoPIX是一个集成的硬件/软件产品,用户能够得到一个厂家-Cisco公司全球化的一流的技术服务支持,Checkpoint Firewall-1是一个软件 产品,使用时还需要另外购买第三方厂家的硬件平台,因此还需要第三方厂家的技术支持。其次,PIX防火墙采用了专有、实时的IOS操作系统,安全性好。Checkpoint Firewall-1运行在开放的UNIX或WindowsNT平台上,因而容易受到攻击。第三,PIX防火墙对多媒体技术具有广泛的支持,Checkpoint Firewall-1对多 媒体技术的支持功能非常有限。此外,PIX防火墙与Checkpoint Firewall-1相比具有更高的数据包转发性能和 更高的安全性能。
114 问题:Cisco PIX防火墙和IOS Firewall相比有何区别?
答案:CiscoPIX防火墙是基于硬件的专用设备,它能够在不影响网络性能的情况下对网络实施基于策略的安全管理功能。IOS Firewall是基于软件的防火墙 产品,它一般是作为IOS软件的附带性能安装在路由器中的。路由器在执行常规选路运算的同时执行防火墙的安全认证工作,因而在性能上比PIX专用防火墙要低。一般来说,带IOS Firewall软件的路由器在执行安全认证任务 时比PIX防火墙的性能低30-40%左右。
115 问题:用户在购买了具有比较小的最大连接数PIX防火墙产品后,能否通过升级的方法支持更多的最大连接数?
116 问题:什么是OSPF On-Demand Circuit,在不同网络中应该如何的配置?
答案: OSPF On-Demand Circuit—OSPF On-Demand Circuit is an enhancement to the OSPF protocol, as described in RFC 1793, that allows efficient operation over demand circuits such as ISDN, X.25 SVCs, and dial-up lines. Previously, the period nature of OSPF routing traffic mandated that the underlying data-link connection needed to be open constantly, resulting in unwanted usage charges. With this feature, OSPF Hellos and the refresh of OSPF routing information is suppressed for on-demand circuits (and reachability is presumed), allowing the underlying data-link connections to be closed when not carrying application traffic. The feature allows the consolidation on a single routing protocol and the benefits of the OSPF routing protocol across the entire network, without incurring excess connection costs. If the router is part of a point-to-point topology, only one end of the demand circuit needs to be configured for OSPF On-Demand Circuit operation. In point-to-multipoint topologies, all appropriate routers must be configured with OSPF On-Demand Circuit. All routers in an area must support this feature—that is, be running Cisco IOS Software Release 11.2 or greater.
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