文章简介:主要对WIN2000 IPv6配置做了细化的总结,通过文章内容,我们能掌握WIN2000 IPv6配置的具体过程,首先我们要了解一下准备内容。
前面我们对Linux操作系统的IPv6的设定进行了讲解,现在我们将要对WIN2000 IPv6的配置在做一个介绍。这部分内容的代码比较多,如果大家觉得有什么出入可以参考官方网站的摘要,在这里我们仅对此进行一个整理和总结。
WIN2000 IPv6配置1:准备工作
1.Save the file tpipv6-001205.exe from the download page to a local folder (for example, C:\\IPv6TP).
2.From the local folder (C:\\IPv6TP), run Tpipv6-001205.exe and extract the files to the same location.
3.From the local folder (C:\\IPv6TP), run Setup.exe -x and extract the files to a subfolder of the current folder (for example, C:\\IPv6TP\\files).
4.From the folder containing the extracted files (C:\\IPv6TP\\files), open the file Hotfix.inf in a text editor.
5.In the [Version] section of the Hotfix.inf file, change the line NTServicePackVersion=256 to NTServicePackVersion=1024, and then save changes.
6.From the folder containing the extracted files (C:\\IPv6TP\\files), run Hotfix.exe.
7.Restart the computer when prompted.
8.After the computer is restarted, continue installing the Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000 starting at step 3 of the "Installing the IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000" section of either the Introduction to the Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000 or the Readme.htm file in the folder containing Setup.exe (C:\\IPv6TP).
WIN2000 IPv6配置2:安装配置
1.From the Windows 2000 desktop, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up Connections. As an alternative, you can right-click My Network Places, and then click Properties.
2.Right-click the Ethernet-based connection to which you want to add the IPv6 protocol, and then click Properties. Typically, this connection is named Local Area Connection.
3.Click Install.
4.In the Select Network Component Type dialog box, click Protocol, and then click Add.
5.In the Select Network Protocol dialog box, click Microsoft IPv6 Protocol and then click OK.
6.Click Close to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.
WIN2000 IPv6配置3:测试网络连通性
Windows NT系列的操作系统中,一个网卡可以对应于多个接口(interface),一个interface对应一个ipv6地址,Windows 2000 Server也是如此。因此,当一个网卡通常具有多个ipv6地址的时候(至少有本地链路地址,通常还有站点地址,全球地址,ipv4向ipv6过渡阶段的过渡型地址),Windows 2000 Server就用多个interface来对应之,一般情况下一个网卡有4个interface。而其中之一对应的是全球地址,在手动给网卡配置全球地址的时候也要注意对应该接口,该接口的特点是其描述包含“本地连接”或“Local Area Connection”的关键字。
假如“本地连接”对应的接口序号是2,那么切换到命令提示符下,用如下命令手动加入ipv6地址:ipv6 adu 2/2001:250:3000:1::1:1,2表示该操作对应于interface 2。
假设路由器地址是2001:250:3000:1:2c0:95ff:fee0:473f,用如下命令手动加入静态路由表:ipv6 rtu ::/0 2/2001:250:3000:1:2c0:95ff:fee0:473f,这里后面的地址表示路由器的IPv6地址。
运行命令:ping6 2001:250:3000:1:2c0:95ff:fee0:473f,如果能够收到回应,则表示本机与ipv6路由器之间的ipv6网络是互通的。
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