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至顶网网络频道Telnet Protocol-a proposed document(2)

Telnet Protocol-a proposed document(2)

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TELNET is a third-level protocol, the function of which is to make a terminal (or process) at a using site appear to the system or a process at a serving site as logically equivalent to a terminal "directly" connected to the serving site.

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月27日

关键字: opentelnet telnet命令 linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  The code of the NVT will be full ASCII. The seven-bit code will be transmitted in eight-bit bytes, the high order bit set to zero.

  It will be the responsibility of the using site to provide its users with a means of producing all 128 ASCII codes, as well as a selected set of special TELNET control signals (see Figure 3).

  The ASCII character ESC will be employed by the user as an escape signal indicating that the next character(s) has special meaning.

  The meaning assigned to escape code will be serving site defined and therefore may not be consistant across the network.

  It will be the responsibility of the serving site to specify for users how the NVT code will be used to represent the codes normally generated by a local terminal. The serving sites specification of this representation is expected, where reasonable, to map on a one-for-one basis for ASCII graphics and controls that are provided through local terminals. The serving site will also specify how the escape conventions will be interpreted by the system.

  The end of a line will be represented in the NVT as carriage return followed by line feed.

  The protocol assumes that at initially the serving site will not provide any echo to the using site.

  Each TELNET control signal for which code must be sent over the connection will be represented in the NVT by an eight-bit code, with the high order bit set to one. Following are the special codes established to date. (U) indicates that in most implementations the user would be expected to have the ability to signal the TELNET process from his terminal to initiate the code.

  Code X'A0'

  Source: Both Sites (U)

  Meaning: A DATA TYPE[1] signal indicating that code will be transmitted by NVT, i.e., using the seven-bit ASCII conventions.

  Code X'80'

  Source: Using Site (U)

  Meaning: Order using site NCP to send an INS and insert X'80' in data stream.

  Code X'81'

  Source: Using Site (U)

  Meaning: Break or Attention

  Code X'82'

  Source: Serving System

  Meaning: Reverse Break

  Code X'83'

  Source: Both Sites

  Meaning: I Echo

  Code X'84'

  Source: Both Sites

  Meaning: You Echo

  Code X'85'


  Code X'86'


  Code X'87'

  Source: Both Sites

  Meaning: This site has not implemented the following control code.

  Code X'88'

  Source: Both Sites

  Meaning: [2]Return to control mode, i.e. next byte will be a control signal, possible a new DATA TYPE.

  Some special TELNET control signals are required to permit the user on some systems to send control information to the using site TELNET process. These do not require a corresponding control code for transmission. The local TELNET control signals are:

  1. Transmit all data to this point.

  2. Suppress transmission of end of line, send all other data.

  Data is to be forwarded to the NCP for transmission as convenient, but at least at the end of line, end of line suppression, and transmit signals. If the normal line length of the sending site is greater than the allocation given by the receiving site, the sending sites TELNET process or TELNET server will be responsible for breaking the line into convenient lengths and turning them over to the NCP for transmission.

  This document will be revised as necessary to provide conventions for data types, in addition to the NVT ASCII type.


  [1] A one-byte DATA TYPE signal is sent as the first byte of data over a connection. A default is employed if the first byte over a connection has the high order bit set to zero, and it is assumed that the seven-bit ASCII NVT convention will be employed. After initial connection, the DATA TYPE may be changed (see code X'88'). Most implementations and applications may expect the DATA TYPES to be symmetrical at any point in time,(i.e. both using a serving site using the same DATA TYPE.).

  [2] A site receiving a DATA TYPE signal is to respond with a double X'88' if the new DATA TYPE is acceptable.

  |<------- 32 ------->|<-8->|<-8->|<-- 16 -->|<-8->|<---


  | leader | x |size | count | x | TEXT


  |<---- level 1 ---->|

  message leader

  |<------------------ level 2 ------------------>|

  message preamble

  level 3

  |<- message text..-->

  Figure 1. Network Message on Link 2-31

  Indicating Portions of Interest to Various Levels


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