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至顶网网络频道Discussion of Telnet Protocol(1)

Discussion of Telnet Protocol(1)

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The attached discussion is an extension of RFC137, NIC #6717, and is presented to provide useful background to designers and implementers to help them interpret the proposed Protocol and evaluate it in preparation for further discussion at the Atlantic C

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月27日

关键字: telnet命令 opentelnet linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  Network Working Group T. O'Sullivan

  Request for Comments: 139 Raytheon

  NIC: 6717 7 May 1971

  Discussion of TELNETProtocol

  The attached discussion is an extension of RFC137, NIC #6717, and is presented to provide useful background to designers and implementers to help them interpret the proposed Protocol and evaluate it in preparation for further discussion at the Atlantic City meetings.

  While the views in the discussion represent those of various TELNET committee members, they should not be interpreted as being the agreed view of committee. They are the author's understanding of some of the arguments and background to the PROTOCOL proposed in the TELNET PROTOCOL recommendations.

  * See Footnotes to attached discussion for changes to RFC137.

  Discussion of TELNET PROTOCOL

  The use of a standard, network-wide, intermediate representation of terminal code between sites eliminates the need for using and serving sites to keep information about the characteristics of each other's terminals and terminal handling conventions, but only if the user, the using site, and the serving site assume certain responsibilities.

  1. The serving site must specify how the intermediate code will be mapped by it into the terminal codes that are expected at that site.

  2. The user must be familiar with that mapping.

  3. The using site must provide some means for the user to enter all of the intermediate codes, and as a convenience, special control signals, as well as specify for the user how the signals from the serving site will be presented at the user terminal.

  Other schemes were considered but rejected. For example, a proposal that the using site be responsible to transmit to and from the code expected by the serving site was rejected since it required that the using site keep tables of all serving site codes and provide mapping for each case. The information would require constant maintenance as new hosts were added to the network.

  Since it is not known how the current or future sites will specify the mapping between the network-wide standard code (7 bit ASCII in an 8 bit field) and the codes expected from their own terminals, it seems necessary to permit the user to cause every one of the 128 ASCII codes, plus (for full user power) selected control signals (either of a TELNET control nature, or of a special terminal nature such as break or attention).

  There was strong feeling about the importance of the user/system interface at the using site, but equally strong feeling that this problem is one of local implementation and should reflect the using site installation philosophy rather than the subject to network-wide standards. Some topics of consideration in this area are:

  1. How to represent special graphics, not available at the using site, at the user's terminal.

  2. Treatment of upper/lower case problem on TTY 33 and 35.

  a. Representing lower-case output.

  b. Providing users with shift and shift lock signals.

  3. Incorporating editing capability in TELNET.

  4. Extending user options in Network mode not available to local users, e.g., hold output kill print

  5. Permit users to specify how keyboard input is to be translated, e.g., let a character from the terminal cause a specified string to be sent by the user's TELNET.

  In early discussions, there was pressure to get a simple statement of protocol out early to permit early use of selected systems. The counter pressure to provide a richer set of protocol in the first release was also present. Work started in the direction of the latter, but the complexities introduced were not necessary for early use of the network. The proposed solution to the TELNET protocol problem seems to provide a mechanism for a minimum implementation (to be discussed later) while providing a basis for developing richer sets of protocol for present and future use in terminal applications, process-process communications, and use by other conventions to pass data or control information.

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