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至顶网网络频道Telnet Protocols(5)

Telnet Protocols(5)

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This document fails to meet any part of that promise. This document was not produced promptly. This document is neither clear nor succinct. There is NO Official Telnet Protocol.

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月26日

关键字: telnet命令 opentelnet linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  The convention of using "ECHO," "NO ECHO" signals seems to fill both the requirements for dynamic echo control and for a minimum implementation of Telnet Protocol. Note that when the user request ECHO or NO ECHO the server replies by switching to the desired mode (and possibly returning the signal for the new mode), or by continuing in the current mode and returning the signal for the current mode. The server never spontaneously sends an ECHO or NO ECHO signal. Except that a NOECHO may be used to cancel a HIDE YOUR INPUT.

  Hide Your Input

  The HIDE YOUR INPUT signal presents some difficulty in that it is unclear how much is to be hidden. The server site usually knows how long the secret is but the user Telnet in general does not.

  Furthermore, if the user site cannot suppress the local echoing, there is a difficult implementation problem. One possibility is for the using site to overprint a full line with a mask, then have the user type his secret on the mask. If the secret were longer than one line, the use of the mask should be repeated.

  The use of HIDE YOUR INPUT can be avoided altogether by having the serving site send a mask (which it knows to be just long enough) on which the user is to type the secret information.


  1. Default assumption is user site is echoing

  2. Server-to User: Password Please CR LF


  4. User-to-Server: "password" CR LF

  5. Server-to-User: Ready CR LF

  Breaks and Attentions

  There is a special control signal on some terminals that has no corresponding bit pattern in ASCII, but is transmitted by a special electrical signal. This control signal is Attn on a 2741 and Break on a Teletype. This signal is represented by the Telnet control signal BREAK. There is a corresponding control signal for use from serving sites to using sites for reverse break. Notice, however, that the NVT is a bi-directional character device, thus there is no need to "turn the line around".

  Some systems treat the Break as an extra code available for use in conjunction with the data stream. For example, one system uses Break as a special editing code meaning "delete the current line to this point." In these cases, the code may simply be inserted in the data stream with no special additional action by the user.

  Other systems use Break or Attn in special interrupt fashion, to mean stop processing the application and give me the supervisor, or cancel the present job, etc. (Other systems which inspect input on a character at a time basis use normal characters for this purpose, such as .) In these cases, because of differences in the ways both serving and using sites operate, it is necessary to take a route in addition to the normal Telnet data stream to indicate that the special control signal is embedded in the data stream.

  Example -- Problem:

  The PDP-10 normally will, when it fills its input buffer, continue to accept characters from a terminal examining each to see if it is a control character, then act on it if it is or throw it away if it is not. Since the Telnet server at the serving site is at the mercy of the NCP with respect to controlling the bunching, and therefore, arrival at the Telnet of bursts of characters, Telnet implementations might be expected to choke off flow to the buffers until they are ready to accept characters without throwing them away.

  Under this condition, the serving process might be outputting to the using terminal, the input buffers at the server fill up, (with user generated characters) and get stuck (at the user's site) in the data stream that has been choked off.

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