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至顶网网络频道Telnet Protocols(2)

Telnet Protocols(2)

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This document fails to meet any part of that promise. This document was not produced promptly. This document is neither clear nor succinct. There is NO Official Telnet Protocol.

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月26日

关键字: telnet命令 opentelnet linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  DATA MARK 128 Used to mark a point in the data stream.

  Used in conjunction with INS. See SYNCH.

  BREAK 129 User-to-Server: Has the same meaning to the server as the "Break," "Interrupt," or "Attention" button found on many terminals.

  Server-to-User: Has the same meaning to to use as the "reverse break" used with some terminals.

  NOP 130 No Operation.

  NO ECHO 131 User-to-Server: Asks the server not to return Echos of the transmitted data.

  Server-to-User: States that the server is not sending echos of the transmitted data.  

      Sent only as a reply to ECHO or NO ECHO, or to end the hide your input.

  ECHO 132 User-to-Server: Asks the server to send Echos of the transmitted data.

  Server-to User: States that the server is sending echos of the transmitted data.

  Sent only as a reply to ECHO or NO ECHO.

  Hide your input 133 The intention is that a server will send this signal to a user system which is echoing locally (to the user) when the user is about to type something secret (e.g. a password). In this case, the user system is to suppress local echoing or overprint the input (or something) until the server sends a NOECHO signal. In situations where the user system is not echoing locally, this signal must not be sent by the server.

  INS --- This is the "Interrupt on Send" signal, defined by the Host-to-Host protocol and implemented by the Network Control Program

  (NCP). See SYNCH.

  SYNCH --- This is a condition indicated by the combination of the DATA MARK and the INS.

  User-to-Server: The Server is to examine the input data stream looking for a DATA MARK signal; if a DATA MARK is found, the server must not process further until an INS is received. If the server receives an INS, it is required to examine the data stream at once, taking any appropriate action on "break type" characters (e.g. etx, sub, BREAK), up to a DATA MARK signal and thereupon continue its normal processing.

  The passed over characters may be discarded.

  Server-to-User: If the user finds a DATA MARK in the data stream, it must wait for an INS. If the user receives an INS, it must examine and discard characters up to and including a DATA MARK.


  Telnet normally deals in ASCII characters, but there are provisions for escaping to other code sets. If one of these escapes is used, it is undefined (here) whether or not the Telnet signals still have meaning or even how to return to the ASCII set: The Telnet signals used to indicate a change of code set are:


  160 ASCII - Standard Telnet

  161 Transparent

  162 EBCDIC


  The following signals are to be available to the human user to cause the user Telnet to take the indicated action.

  Transmit Now - Transmit all data entered and locally buffered now. Intended to be used with line mode.

  Suppress end-of-line - Transmit all data entered and locally buffered now, and do not transmit the end-of-line immediately following this signal.


  Using Site

  1) User is able to enter and transmit all ASCII codes

  2) User is able to cause the Telnet signals BREAK, SYNCH, ECHO and NOECHO to be transmitted.

  3) Provides for the User Telnet signals, (e.g. Transmit Now).

  4) Implements the CR LF end-of-line convention.

  5) Provides local echo for local user terminals.

  6) Correctly processes the Telnet signals BREAK, SYNCH, NOP, ECHO, NOECHO, and Hide Your Input received from the server.

  Serving Site:

  1) Provides a mapping between ASCII and the local character set.

  2) Correctly processes the Telnet signals BREAK, SYNCH, NOP, NOECHO, and ECHO.

  3) Implements the CR LF end-of-line convention.

  4) Assumes the using site provides echoing. May provide a server echo mode.


  Using Site:

  1) User must be able to enter and transmit all ASCII codes.

  2) Ignore and delete all Telnet signals from the serving site.

  3) Provide local echo for local user terminals.

  4) Implements CR LF end-of-line convention.

  5) Provide for the User Telnet signals.

  Serving Site:

  1) Provide a mapping between ASCII and the local character set.

  2) Ignore and Delete all Telnet signals from the using site.

  3) Assume the using site provides echoing.

  4) Implements the CR LF end-of-line convention.


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