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至顶网网络频道Telnet Protocols(7)

Telnet Protocols(7)

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This document fails to meet any part of that promise. This document was not produced promptly. This document is neither clear nor succinct. There is NO Official Telnet Protocol.

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月26日

关键字: telnet命令 opentelnet linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  In the same debugging application, the address is such that the end does not correspond with the four character buffer demarcation. The user should have the ability to enter a code for "transmit immediately" in place of the end of line signal in order to preserve neat formatting, and expect the address to be sent to the serving site.

  Telnet Signals have been discussed and those introduced to date are probably sufficient for an implementation of Telnet ASCII convention.


  ASCII - The USASCII character set as defined in NIC # 7104.

  In Telnet Protocol, where eight bit codes are used the lower half of the code set is defined to be ASCII.

  echoing - The display of a character entered is called echoing.

  There are two modes in which this happens. If the device used to enter characters displays the character before (or as) it transmits the character to the computer the echoing mode is called "local echo." If, on the other hand, the device transmits the entered character to the computer without displaying it and the computer then transmits a character to the device for the echo display, this echoing mode is called "remote echo."

  character mode - In this mode of operation Telnet transmits each character as soon as possible. Generally speaking, character mode is used when all of the using terminal, using system, and serving system are operating in a remote echo mode. The echos to the user entered characters are transmitted from the serving system (i.e., over the network).

  line mode - In this mode of operation Telnet transmits groups of characters which constitute lines. Generally speaking, this mode is used when one or more of the using terminal, using system, or serving system is operating in a local echo mode. The echos to the user entered characters are not transmitted over the network).

  full duplex - This term indicates a transmission procedure using a four wire connection, which permits simultaneous transmission in both directions.

  half duplex - This term indicates a transmission procedure using a two wire connection, which requires that data be transmitted in only one direction at at time.

  Note that half duplex devices usually are also local echo but that full duplex devices may be either local echo or remote echo.


  The changes suggested here are not my ideas, thus the presentation may be faulty. I welcome RFCor other communication suggesting other changes or better arguments for and against these changes.


  It is proposed to delete from Telnet the control signals ECHO, NOECHO, and HIDE YOUR INPUT. For Server systems which do not provide echoing, these commands are useless. For server systems which do provide echoing experience has shown that the control is most effectively provided by server system commands.

  Data Types

  It is proposed to delete all mention of data types from Telnet.

  Either the character stream is ASCII or its not a Telnet communication. If it is really necessary to change the data type, a command in ASCII could be sent in the data stream.

  Minimum Implementation

  It is proposed that the minimum implementation require the user Telnet to allow the user to send and the server Telnet to correctly process all the Telnet control signals.

  The work on Telnet Protocol has involved many people. This document is taken from RFC's #139 and #158 by Tom O'Sullivan. Others who have served on committees are:

  Bob Bressler MIT-DMCG

  Will Crowther BBN

  Bob Long SDC

  Alex McKenzie BBN

  John Melvin SRI-ARC

  Bob Metcalfe MIT-DMCG

  Ed Meyer MIT-Multics

  Tol O'Sullivan Raytheon

  Mike Padlipsky Mit-Multics

  Jon Postel UCLA-NMC

  Bob Sundberg Harvard

  Joel Winett LL

  Steve Wolfe UCLA-CCN

  [This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry]

  [into the online RFCarchives by Kelly Tardif, Viaginie 10/99]

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