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至顶网网络频道Discussion of Telnet Protocol(6)

Discussion of Telnet Protocol(6)

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The attached discussion is an extension of RFC137, NIC #6717, and is presented to provide useful background to designers and implementers to help them interpret the proposed Protocol and evaluate it in preparation for further discussion at the Atlantic City meetings.

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月27日

关键字: telnet命令 opentelnet linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  It should be noted that some controls are network-wide TELNET controls, while others are specific to the ASCII Data Type. It should be further recognized that some local control messages do not require a corresponding network-wide code.

  While it is recognized that even a minimum implementation of TELNET for a using site is expected to permit the user to send any selected ASCII string (and only that string) to the serving site, it is not necessary for a serving site to implement a full mapping from ASCII to local code, nor is it necessary for either the using or serving sites to implement all control codes.

  _Example - Using Site_

  A minimum implementation of the TELNET protocol for the using site would permit ignoring (and stripping) any control signals from the serving site since they would all either require agreement or acknowledgement (e.g., DATA TYPE, ECHO CONTROL, etc.) or can be ignored with no particularly harmful results (e.g., reverse break).

  _Example - Serving Site_

  A minimum implementation of the TELNET protocol for the serving site could provide one for one mapping for the most important 128 serving system controls and graphic signals, and ignore all control signals.

  It would be helpful if a minimally implemented receiving site, when it recognizes an incoming control signal for which appropriate reaction is not available, could respond with X'87' (The following not implemented at this site) and follow it with the code just received.

  Whenever an ASCII TELNET connection is lost, it should be assumed that the process at the other end of the connection has been quit, aborted, failed, etc. In this way, a minimum using site installation can fail to implement the break and break synchronization, and have the user rely on the using site local procedure for leaving a running local process and returning to the supervisor to break a connection to a remote serving site.


  User recognizes that he is caught in an output loop and wishes to stop his user process at the serving site. The serving site requires a break, but the using site minimum implementation has not made it available. Even if it had, the INS was not implemented and could not be used to unblock the input pipe.

  Locally, the using site convention for leaving a process and getting to supervisory level is to hit the attention key on the 2741 terminal. The user does this and is passed to the supervisor where he signals to release the TELNET connection. The serving site, seeing that an ASCII TELNET connection has been lost, assumes that the user is ended either normally or abnormally.

  Serving site cancels the user's process. The user tries again by re-establishing the connection, logging in again, re-initiating the process, etc.

  Other conventions under TELNET may make quite different assumptions about lost connections, and some may go as far as dynamic establishing and releasing of connections.

  The proposed TELNET ASCII implementation leaves much uncovered, but seems to permit early simple implementation with varying levels of capability, along with the capacity to expand in several ways to meet others needs.

  There is an important open question. Should a PROTOCOL such as TELNET provide the basis for extending a system to perform functions that go beyond the normal capacity of the local system. For example, a local system may not provide functions such as Hold Output, Kill Print, etc., but it could extend it for network purposes through TELNET. If so, to what extent should such extensions be thought of as Network-wide standards as opposed to purely local implementations.


  [1] Please drop the (s) at the end of "character" in paragraph 3, page 3, RFC137, NIC #6714.

  [2] Also make note that the starting assumption in the initial exchange between using site and serving site will be that the using site will (if necessary) provide echo and the serving site will not.

  [3] Note: Please change RFC#137, NIC #6714, page 4 - Code X'85' to read Reserved.

  [4] Please note on page 4 of RFC137that the receipt of an X'88' should be responded with by the receiver sending a double signal, i.e., X'88'X'88' if the new DATA TYPE can be handled.

  [5] Cent sign

  [This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry]

  [into the online RFCarchives by Lorrie Shiota, 1/02]

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