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至顶网网络频道Discussion of Telnet Protocol(5)

Discussion of Telnet Protocol(5)

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The attached discussion is an extension of RFC137, NIC #6717, and is presented to provide useful background to designers and implementers to help them interpret the proposed Protocol and evaluate it in preparation for further discussion at the Atlantic City meetings.

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月27日

关键字: telnet命令 opentelnet linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  Since the TELNET server at the serving site is at the mercy of the NCP with respect to controlling the bunching, and therefor, arrival at the TELNET of bursts of characters, TELNET implementations might be expected to choke off flow to the buffers until they are ready to accept characters without throwing them away.

  Under this condition, the serving process might be outputting to the using terminal, the input buffers fill up, and a control C get stuck in the data stream that has been choked off.

  A similar problem could occur with the Multics or some IBM system as a server. The user at a using site gets into an output loop at the serving site and wants to break the process without having to release his TELNET connection. The buffers clog the connection, transmission is choked off, and the control C break, or other user control signal gets stuck in the pipeline.

  _Example - Solution_

  The user at the using site knows he is entering a special control signal (break, ATTN, control C, etc.) and follows it with an X'80'.

  (The local instructions at using sites for accomplishing this may differ from site to site.)

  Using Site TELNET to Serving Site

        Insert X'80' in Data Stream

  Using Site TELNET to Using Site NCP

  Send an INS

  Sending Site NCP to TELNET Server

  Look out, here she come

  Serving Site TELNET

  Does its special thing until it sees X'80' then resumes normal handling

  Thus, depending on the server's local implementation to provide adequate service, a special handling of the data stream can be invoked whenever an INS is received in order to get the special character. When it sees X'80', it recognizes it as a SYNC character and knowing that the special character has been passed on, strips the X'80' from the data stream and returns to normal mode.

  If the X'80' arrives before the INS, a counting scheme can keep the activity appropriate to the serving site conditions.

  This approach to handling selected special characters or signals relieves the using TELNET processes from having to recognize the special serving site characters, as well as from having to know how the serving site wants to handle them. At the same time, the procedure requires only a minimum level of user understanding of the serving site. This seems appropriate, since the TELNET ASCII conventions are providing a Network Virtual Terminal, not a Network

  Virtual User.

  The ability of the user to cause the using site TELNET to send any combination of ASCII characters in a string, and only that combination, is viewed as important to the user utility of the TELNET ASCII conventions. Because of this, some user sites may find it necessary to provide special local TELNET control signalling from the user to the using site.


  A user on a line at a time system (Multics, System 360, GECOS, etc.) is working through the Network on a serving site that operates a character at a time. The application is a debugging aid that permits the user to type in a memory location = to which it will respond with n where n represents the current contents of that location. The serving site process does not expect to see the location = followed by a carriage return line feed sequence.

  The user at the using site should be able to type in the location, follow it with a signal to suppress the end of a line convention, followed by a new line or return, and expect the location number = to be transmitted immediately without an end of line sequence.

  In another case, a using site has decided that it is convenient to accumulate four characters at a time and transmit them to the serving site, unless an end of line is observed, in which case the end of line sequence is sent preceded by whatever number of characters have been accumulated, (presumably three or less). In the same debugging application, the address is such that the end does not correspond with the four character buffer demarcation.

  The user should have the ability to enter a code for "transmit immediately" in place of the Carriage Return in order to preserve neat formatting, and expect the address to be sent to the serving site.

  TELNET controls have been discussed and those introduced to date are probably sufficient for an early implementation of TELNET ASCII convention. There will be a need to establish a mechanism for the controlled assignment (on request by Network Sites), and announcement of DATA TYPE and CONTROL codes.

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