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至顶网网络频道Telnet Data Entry Terminal option(3)

Telnet Data Entry Terminal option(3)

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The keyboard is capable of generating all of the characters of the ASCII character set. In addition, the keyboard may possess a number of function keys which when pressed cause a FN subcommand to be sent.

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月28日

关键字: telnet命令 linux telnet opentelnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  The three bits of the Intensity field will contain a positive binary integer indicating the number of levels of intensity that the sender requests or provides for displaying the data. The value of the 3 bit field should be interpreted in the following way:

  1 one visible intensity

  2 two intensities; normal and bright

  3 three intensities; off, normal, and bright >3 >3 intensities; off, and the remaining levels proportioned from dimmest to brightest intensity.

  For the all of the above commands, if the appropriate bit in is not set, then the sender does not request or provide that facility.

  Editing Functions

  IAC SB DET MOVE CURSOR IAC SE subcommand code: 5

  where is an 8-bit byte containing a positive binary integer representing the character position of the cursor, is an 8-bit byte containing a positive binary integer representing the line position of the cursor.

  This subcommand moves the cursor to the absolute screen address (x,y) with the following boundary conditions:

  if x>M-1, set x=M-1 and send an ERROR subcommand

  if y>N-1, set y=N-1 and send an ERROR subcommand

  This describes a finite plane topology on the screen.

  IAC SB DET SKIP TO LINE IAC SE subcommand code: 6 where is a positive 8-bit binary number.

  This subcommand moves the cursor to the absolute screen line y. x remains constant. For values of y>N-1

  y = y mod N.

  IAC SB DET SKIP TO CHAR IAC SE subcommand code: 7 where is a positive 8-bit binary number.

  This subcommand moves the cursor to the absolute character position x. y remains constant, unless x>M-1 in which case:

  x' = (x mod M)

  y' = (y+(x DIV N))

  where x' and y' are the new values of the cursor.

  These last two subcommands define a toroidal topology on the screen.

  IAC SB DET UP IAC SE subcommand code: 8

  IAC SB DET DOWN IAC SE subcommand code: 9

  IAC SB DET LEFT IAC SE subcommand code: 10

  IAC SB DET RIGHT IAC SE subcommand code: 11

  These subcommands are provided as a convenience for some terminals.

  The commands UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT are defined as

  UP: (x,y)=(x, y-1 mod N)

  DOWN: (x,y)=(x, y+1 mod N)

  LEFT: (x,y)=(x-1, y); if x=0 then x-1 = 0

  RIGHT: (x,y)=(x+1 mod M, y) and y = y+1 if x+1>M-1

  Note: DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT cannot always be replaced by the ASCII

  codes for linefeed, backspace, and space respectively. The latter are format effectors while the former are cursor controls.

  IAC SB DET HOME IAC SE subcommand code: 12

  This subcommand positions the cursor to (0,0). This is equivalent to a MOVE CURSOR 0,0 or the sequence SKIP TO LINE 0, SKIP TO CHAR 0.

  This subcommand is provided for convenience, since most terminals have it as a separate control.

  IAC SB DET LINE INSERT IAC SE subcommand code: 13

  This subcommand inserts a line of spaces between lines y (the current line, determined by the position of the cursor) and line y-1. Lines y through N-2 move down one line, i.e. line y becomes line y+1; y+1 becomes y+2, ...; N-2 becomes N-1. Line N-1 is lost off the bottom of the screen. The position of the cursor remains unchanged.

  IAC SB DET LINE DELETE IAC SE subcommand code: 14

  This subcommand deletes line y where y is the current line position of the cursor. Lines y+1 through N-1 move up one line, i.e. line y+1 becomes line y; y+2 becomes y+1; ...; N-1 becomes N-2. The N-1st line position is set to all spaces. The cursor position remains unchanged.

  IAC SB DET CHAR INSERT IAC SE subcommand code: 15

  This subcommand inserts the next character in the data stream between the xth and x-1st characters, where x is the current character position of the cursor. The xth through M-2nd characters on the line are shifted one character positon to the right. The new character is inserted at the vacated xth position. The M-1st character is lost. The position of the cursor remains unchanged.

  IAC SB DET CHAR DELETE IAC SE subcommand code: 16 This subcommand deletes the character on the screen at the x-th position. The x-th character is removed and the characters x+1 through M-1 are shifted one character position to the left to become the x-th through M-2nd characters. The M-1st character position is left empty. (For most terminals it will be set to a NUL or space.)

  The cursor position remains unchanged.

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