作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月28日
关键字: telnet命令 opentelnet linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet端口 telnet
If the Toroidal Cursor Addressing bit is set, the sender requests or provides that the SKIP TO LINE and SKIP TO CHAR subcommands be supported.
If the Incremental Cursor Addressing bit is set, the sender requests or provides that the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT subcommands be supported.
If the Read Cursor bit is set, the sender requests or provides the READ CURSOR subcommand.
If the Line Insert/Delete bit is set, the sender requests or provides that the LINE INSERT and LINE DELETE subcommands be supported.
If the Char Insert/Delete bit is set, the sender requests or provides that the CHAR INSERT and CHAR DELETE subcommands be supported.
If the Back Tab bit is set, the sender requests or provides that the BACK TAB subcommand be supported.
If the Positive Addressing bit is set, then the sender is informing the receiver that it can only move the cursor in the positive direction. (Note: Terminals that have this property also have a Home function to get back to the beginning.) facility cmd: ERASE FACILITIES subcommand code: 2
facility map: bit numbers
Erase Field 4
Erase Line 3
Erase Rest of Screen 2
Erase Rest of Line 1
Erase Rest of Field 0
If a bit of the facility map for this facility command is set, the sender requests or provides the facility indicated by the bit. For a more complete description of each of these functions see the Erase Functions section below.
facility cmd: TRANSMIT FACILITIES subcommand code: 3
facility map: bit numbers
Data Transmit 5
Transmit Line 4
Transmit Field 3
Transmit Rest of Screen 2
Transmit Rest of Line 1
Transmit Rest of Field 0
If a bit of the facility map for this facility command is set, the sender requests or provides the facility indicated by the bit. For a more complete description of each of these functions see the Transmit Functions section below.
facility cmd: FORMAT FACILITIES subcommand code: 4
facility map: bit numbers
FN byte 0 7
Modified 6
Light Pen 5
Repeat 4
Blinking 3
Reverse Video 2
Right Justification 1
Overstrike 0
Protection On/Off byte 1 6
Protection 5
Alphabetic-only Protection 4
Numeric-only Protection 3
Intensity 0-2
If the FN bit is set, the sender requests or provides the FN subcommand.
If the Modified bit is set, the sender requests or provides the ability to indicate fields that are modified and supports the TRANSMIT MODIFIED subcommand.
If the Light Pen bit is set, the sender requests or provides the support of a light pen, including the Pen Selectable attribute of the DATA FORMAT subcommand.
If the Repeat bit is set the sender requests or provides the REPEAT subcommand.
If the Blinking bit is set, the sender requests or provides the ability to highlight a string of characters by causing them to blink.
If the Reverse Video bit is set, the sender requests or provides the ability to highlight a string of characters by "reversing the video image," i.e., if the characters are normally displayed as black characters on a white background, this is reversed to be white characters on a black background, or vice versa.
If the Right Justification bit is set, the sender requests or provides the ability to cause entries of data to be right justified in the field.
If the Overstrike bit is set, the sender requests or provides the ability to superimpose one character over another on the screen much like a hard copy terminal would do if the print mechanism struck the same position on the paper with different characters.
If the Protection On/Off bit is set, the sender requests or provides the ability to turn on and off field protection.
If the Protection bit is set, the sender requests or provides the ability to protect certain strings of characters displayed on the screen from being altered by the user of the terminal. Setting this bit also implies that ERASE UNPROTECTED, DATA TRANSMIT, FIELD SEPARATOR, and TRANSMIT UNPROTECTED subcommands (see below) are supported.
If the Alphabetic-only Protection bit is set, the sender requests or provides the ability to constrain the user of the terminal such that he may only enter alphabetic data into certain areas of the screen.
If the Numeric-only Protection bit is set, the sender requests or provides the ability to constrain the user of the terminal such that he may only enter numerical data into certain areas of the screen.
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