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至顶网网络频道Telnet Timing Mark Option(2)

Telnet Timing Mark Option(2)

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The sender of this command REQUESTS that the receiver of this command return a WILL TIMING-MARK in the data stream at the "appropriate place" as defined in section 4 below.

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月27日

关键字: telnet命令 opentelnet linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  (Implementers should remember that the user's own system must remember that it sent the WILL TIMING-MARK so as to discard the DO/DON'T TIMING-MARK when it eventually arrives.) Thus, in this case the "appropriate place" for the insertion of the WILL TIMING-MARK is the place defined by the user.

  It should be noted, in both of the examples above, that it is the responsibility of the system which transmits the DO TIMING-MARK to discard any unwanted characters; the WILL TIMING-MARK only provides help in deciding which characters are "unwanted".

  5. Description of the Option

  RFC860May 1983

  Suppose that Process A of Figure 1 wishes to synchronize with B. The DO TIMING-MARK is sent from A to B. B can refuse by replying WON'T TIMING-MARK, or agree by permitting the timing mark to flow through his "outgoing" buffer, BUF2. Then, instead of delivering it to the terminal, B will enter the mark into his "incoming" buffer BUF1, to flow through toward A. When the mark has propagated through B's incoming buffer, B returns the WILL TIMING-MARK over the TELNET connection to A.

  PROCESS A TELNETconnection PROCESS B Terminal

     +-----------+ +---------------+ Timing+-------+

  | |WILL TIMING MARK| BUF 1 | Mark | |

  | |<---------------|--|-|-|-|-|-|--|<------| |

  | | | |-|-|-|-|-| | ^ | |

  | | | BUF 2 | ^ | |

  | |--------------->|--|-|-|-|-|-|--|------>| |

  | | DO TIMING MARK | |-|-|-|-|-| | | |

  +-----------+ +---------------+ +-------+

  (NVT process).ME;

  Figure 1

  When A receives the WILL TIMING-MARK, he knows that all the information he sent to B before sending the timing mark been delivered, and all the information sent from B to A before turnaround of the timing mark has been delivered.

  Three typical applications are:

  A. Measure round-trip delay between a process and a terminal or another process.

  B. Resynchronizing an interaction as described in section 4 above.

  A is a process interpreting commands forwarded from a terminal by B. When A sees an illegal command it:

  i. Sends , , .

  ii. Sends DO TIMING-MARK.

  iii. Sends an error message.

  iv. Starts reading input and throwing it away until it

  receives a WILL TIMING-MARK.

  v. Resumes interpretation of input.

  RFC860May 1983

  This achieves the effect of flushing all "type ahead" after the erroneous command, up to the point when the user actually saw the question mark.

  C. The dual of B above. The terminal user wants to throw away unwanted output from A.

  i. B sends DO TIMING-MARK, followed by some new command.

  ii. B starts reading output from A and throwing it away until it receives WILL TIMING-MARK.

  iii. B resumes forwarding A's output to the terminal. This achieves the effect of flushing all output from A, up to

  the point where A saw the timing mark, but not output generated in response to the following command.

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