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至顶网网络频道Telnet Binary Transmission(2)

Telnet Binary Transmission(2)

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The sender of this command REQUESTS that the sender of the data start transmitting, or confirms that the sender of data is expected to transmit, characters which are to be interpreted as 8 bits of binary data.

作者:论坛整理 来源:ZDNet网络安全 2007年12月27日

关键字: telnet命令 opentelnet linux telnet telnet入侵 telnet telnet端口

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  6. Implementation Suggestions

  It is foreseen that implementations of the binary transmission option will choose to refuse some other options (such as the EBCDIC transmission option) while the binary transmission option is in RFC856May 1983 effect. However, if a pair of hosts can understand being in binary transmission mode simultaneous with being in, for example, echo mode, then it is all right if they negotiate that combination.

  It should be mentioned that the meanings of WON'T and DON'T are dependent upon whether the connection is presently being operated in binary mode or not. Consider a connection operating in, say, EBCDIC mode which involves a system which has chosen not to implement any knowledge of the binary command. If this system were to receive a DO TRANSMIT-BINARY, it would not recognize the TRANSMIT-BINARY option and therefore would return a WON'T TRANSMIT-BINARY. If the default for the WON'T TRANSMIT-BINARY were always NVT ASCII, the sender of the DO TRANSMIT-BINARY would expect the recipient to have switched to NVT ASCII, whereas the receiver of the DO TRANSMIT-BINARY would not make this interpretation.

  Thus, we have the rule that when a connection is not presently operating in binary mode, the default (i.e., the interpretation of WON'T and DON'T) is to continue operating in the current mode, whether that is NVT ASCII, EBCDIC, or some other mode. This rule, however, is not applied once a connection is operating in a binary mode (as agreed to by both ends); this would require each end of the connection to maintain a stack, containing all of the encoding-method transitions which had previously occurred on the connection, in order to properly interpret a WON'T or DON'T. Thus, a WON'T or DON'T received after the connection is operating in binary mode causes the encoding method to revert to NVT ASCII.

  It should be remembered that a TELNET connection is a two way communication channel. The binary transmission mode must be negotiated separately for each direction of data flow, if that is desired.

  Implementation of the binary transmission option, as is the case with implementations of all other TELNET options, must follow the loop preventing rules given in the General Considerations section of the TELNET Protocol Specification.

  Consider now some issues of binary transmission both to and from both a process and a terminal:

  a. Binary transmission from a terminal.

  The implementer of the binary transmission option should consider how (or whether) a terminal transmitting over a TELNET connection with binary transmission in effect is allowed to  generate all eight bit characters, ignoring parity  considerations, etc., on input from the terminal.

  RFC856May 1983

  b. Binary transmission to a process.

  The implementer of the binary transmission option should consider how (or whether) all characters are passed to a  process receiving over a connection with binary transmission in effect. As an example of the possible problem, TOPS-20 intercepts certain characters (e.g., ETX, the terminal control-C) at monitor level and does not pass them to the process.

  c. Binary transmission from a process.

  The implementer of the binary transmission option should consider how (or whether) a process transmitting over a connection with binary transmission in effect is allowed to send all eight bit characters with no characters intercepted by the monitor and changed to other characters. An example of such a conversion may be found in the TOPS-20 system where certain non-printing characters are normally converted to a Circumflex (up-arrow) followed by a printing character.

  d. Binary transmission to a terminal.

  The implementer of the binary transmission option should consider how (or whether) all characters received over a connection with binary transmission in effect are sent to a local terminal. At issue may be the addition of timing characters normally inserted locally, parity calculations, and any normal code conversion.

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