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  这两天进入windows,norton老是报一个BDGuard.SYS的病毒警告,baidu上面一搜,竟然是什么百度搜霸流氓软件,郁闷了,而且还有一条记录是百度知道上面的解答,说这个就和中搜的网络猪一样是个流氓软件。本来这几天用ubuntu linux的,也不存在什么病毒的问题,但是即使借用了windows的simsun字体,还是觉得没有windows好使,图形化的桌面运行起来还是没有windows那么流畅一些,而且很多基于windows技术的一些页面都无法在firefox里面正常显示,没有太多精力去fix每一个在linux里面看起来不爽的问题,也许我还是带着windows的有色眼镜去看待linux的吧,不过说回来,哪个好用肯定会多使用一些咯,工作每天也只能对着个windows 2000,看着都烦了,哈哈





  In 2002, though, something changed, and the Chinese government decided to shut down all access to Google. Why? Theories abound. Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, whose responsibilities include government relations, told me that he suspects the block might have been at the instigation of a competitor ― one of its Chinese rivals. Brin is too diplomatic to accuse anyone by name, but various American Internet executives told me they believe that Baidu has at times benefited from covert government intervention. A young Chinese-American entrepreneur in Beijing told me that she had heard that the instigator of the Google blockade was Baidu, which in 2002 had less than 3 percent of the search market compared with Google's 24 percent. Basically, some Baidu people sat down and did hundreds of searches for banned materials on Google," she said. (Like many Internet businesspeople I spoke with in China, she asked to remain anonymous, fearing retribution from the authorities.) "Then they took all the results, printed them up and went to the government and said, 'Look at all this bad stuff you can find on Google!'That's why the government took Google offline." Baidu strongly denies the charge, and when I spoke to Guo Liang, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, he dismissed the idea and argued that Baidu is simply a stronger competitor than Google, with a better grasp of Chinese desires. Still, many Beijing high-tech insiders told me that it is common for domestic Internet firms to complain to the government about the illicit content of competitors, in the hope that their rivals will suffer the consequences. In China, the censorship regime is not only a political tool; it is also a competitive one ― a cudgel that private firms use to beat one another with.

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