思科更新 AppDynamics 解决方案的 Smart Agents 简化大规模代理更新和仪表化

思科开发出可以帮助开发人员管理用于监控应用程序和 IT 基础架构的软件代理技术。据思科称,Cisco AppDynamics 解决方案的 Smart Agent (智慧代理)可以提供代理生命周期管理,利用智能代理自动化和管理,极大地简化了仪表化,实现了全栈可观察性。

思科开发出可以帮助开发人员管理用于监控应用程序和 IT 基础架构的软件代理技术。据思科称,Cisco AppDynamics 解决方案的 Smart Agent (智慧代理)可以提供代理生命周期管理,利用智能代理自动化和管理,极大地简化了仪表化,实现了全栈可观察性。

Cisco said customers can use Smart Agent to identify out-of-date agents and upgrade them quickly using a centralised agent management user interface.


The company said the product was developed to meet demand for incredibly distributed applications, which tend to be modular and scalable. These software components are usually monitored using software agents. The more complex the distributed architecture, the more agents that are required.


Cisco said this means it becomes harder for IT administrators to manage. While in many companies, the operations team deals with agents in the tens of thousands, those at large enterprises often handle hundreds of thousands of agents, depending on the number and type of applications being observed.

思科表示,这就意味 IT 管理员的管理会变得更加困难。在许多公司里,运营团队要处理数以万计的代理,大型企业的运营团队通常要处理几十万个代理,具体取决于被监控应用程序的数量和类型。

Due to the sheer volume of agents – and the time-consuming and complex nature of updating them – Cisco said many organisations fail to upgrade to the latest versions in a timely fashion, which leaves them with old and unsupported agents, without the latest functionality, and at risk from security vulnerabilities that have been mitigated in the most recent agent releases.


In a blog post, Ronak Desai, senior vice-president and general manager of Cisco AppDynamics and Full-Stack Observability, said: “An average-sized organisation may have upward of 40,000 agents in deployment, but I’ve even spoken with some larger organisations with more than one million agents to support massively scalable applications! Keeping all those agents updated to the latest version can be complicated and time consuming and takes away critical manpower from actually managing application performance.”

思科AppDynamics和Full-Stack Observability高级副总裁兼总经理Ronak Desai在一篇博客文章中表示,“一个中等规模的企业可能会部署多达 40,000 个代理,但我甚至与一些大型企业交谈过,他们拥有超过一百万个代理,用于支持大规模可扩展的应用!要将所有这些代理更新到最新版本可能会非常复杂和耗时,而且会占用实际管理应用程序性能的关键人力资源。”

He said that when a Smart Agent is deployed on each host, IT admins can remotely install and upgrade Cisco AppDynamics agents from a centralised agent management console. “The console flags agents that are old and outdated, and easily allows IT teams to select them and push upgrades without coding or scripts,” he said.

他表示,在每台主机上部署Smart Agent 后,IT 管理员可以从一个集中的代理管理控制台远程安装和升级 Cisco AppDynamics 代理。控制台会将那些老旧过时的代理标记出来,IT 团队可以轻松地选定这些代理推送升级,无需写代码或脚本。

Cisco plans to update Smart Agent over time with automatic instrumentation for new applications using a single-agent installation by utilising intelligent auto-detect and auto-deploy capabilities. This will be guided by Smart Agent policies to determine which agents are needed. Once available, this update will automatically download, install and configure only those agents needed. According to Cisco, this will reduce instrumentation time from hours/days to minutes.

思科计划逐步更新Smart Agent,利用智能自动检测和自动部署功能,使用单一代理安装进行新应用程序的自动仪表化。所需的代理由智慧代理策略确定。代理一旦有更新就会自动下载、进行安装和配置所需的代理。据思科称,仪表化时间将从数小时/数天缩短到几分钟。

“Teams can now focus on what matters for the business and react quickly to security events or take advantage of new agent-based functionality,” Desai added.

Desai 补充表示,“相关团队现在可以专注于业务中重要事项,对安全事件作出快速反应或充分利用基于代理的新功能。”








