思科推出 Catalyst 1200 和 1300 系列设备为中小企业交换机注入新动力

思科日前推出 Catalyst 1200 和 1300 系列设备,旗下的小型企业交换机系列得以更新。

思科日前推出 Catalyst 1200 和 1300 系列设备,旗下的小型企业交换机系列得以更新。

Both ranges ship with a dual-core Arm CPU that runs at 1.4GHz and 1GB of DDR memory – twice the speed and four times the memory of the last lot of Catalysts for small businesses

两个系列都配备了主频为 1.4GHz 的双核 Arm CPU 和 1GB DDR 内存,速度和内存分别是上一批面向小型企业的 Catalyst 的两倍和四倍。

Layer 3 switching is the devices' main trick, but the 1200 series is confined to static routing, The 1300 series allows dynamic routing, making it possible to build VLANs.

这些设备的主要功能是第三层交换,但 1200 系列仅限于静态路由,而 1300 系列允许动态路由,从而可以用于建立 VLAN。

Both ranges offer power over Ethernet (POE), but the 1200 series has a lower power budget than the 1300. The latter can deliver over 700 watts to various devices.

两个系列都支持以太网供电(POE),但 1200 系列的功率预算低于 1300。后者可为各种设备提供超过 700 瓦的功率。

Both ranges come in variants offering 1G Ethernet, or 10G, or a mix of both.

两个系列都有提供 1G 以太网、10G 以太网或两者混合的变体。

The 1300 series is stackable, and as extra devices are added they present a single logical switch. With some models offering 48 ports, and stacks able to comprise up to eight machines, the 1300 series offers an interesting scalability option.

1300 系列可堆叠使用,添加额外的设备后可以成为一个单一的逻辑交换机。有些1300 系列型号提供 48 个端口,最多可堆叠 8 台设备,是一种颇有吸引力的可扩展性选择。

Access to the switches' management console is available through the browser – either by adding a Bluetooth dongle, plugging in to a USB-A port or, for the first time, a USB-C port. The last was introduced in recognition of USB-C's increasing prevalence in laptops, and the expectation that C-to-C cables aren't hard to find.

用户可以通过浏览器访问交换机的管理控制台,可以添加蓝牙加密狗或者插入 USB-A 端口,或者现在还第一次可以插入 USB-C 端口。后者是考虑到 USB-C 接口在笔记本电脑中的日益普及以及大家现在都觉得 C-C 连接线不那么难找了。

The devices are sold outright with a perpetual license – no subscription required. That means Cisco's latest and greatest cloudy management tools are not automatically available.


But Cisco has created a management tool – the Business Dashboard – that ships as a virtual appliance and allows the creation of different user organizations. A demo seen by _The Register_ suggested a managed service provider could create a user organization for each of its customers.

不过,思科开发了一个管理工具,名为业务仪表板(Business Dashboard),业务仪表板以虚拟设备的形式提供,并允许创建不同的用户组织。记者看到的一个演示表明,托管服务提供商可以为每个客户创建一个用户组织。

Also for SMBs, Cisco launched Meraki MX – a cloud-managed security and SD-WAN appliance. The device includes an application-based firewall, plus baked-in content filtering, threat protection, VPN, cellular failover, and VoIP health management.

思科还针对中小企业推出了Meraki MX,Meraki MX是一种云管理安全和SD-WAN设备。该设备包括基于应用的防火墙以及内置的内容过滤、威胁防护、VPN、蜂窝故障转移和VoIP健康管理。

As with other Meraki devices, it's managed via the cloud.

Meraki MX与其他 Meraki 设备一样通过云进行管理。

The Catalyst 1200 and 1300 were launched yesterday and are on sale now. Readers who search for them online may find documents dated months ago. Cisco told _The Register_ that info is not out of date, but was posted early because the devices were finished and ready for sale, but not enough had been manufactured to proceed comfortably to a formal launch. ®

Catalyst 1200 和 1300 昨天发布并开始销售。在网上搜索相关信息的读者可能会找到几个月前的文件。思科公司告诉记者,这些信息并没有过时。当时发布信息时设备已经完工并准备销售,但还没有生产出足够的产品,是提前发布,目的是便于正式发布。








