
领先的通信运营商都急于在自己的覆盖范围内推出先进的5G网络并利用这些网络的固有特性(如网络切片),西班牙电信 Telefónica 与爱立信则共同定义并测试了首个按需流程(On-demand process),可以让消费者体验到性能更强的优质5G网络连接。

领先的通信运营商都急于在自己的覆盖范围内推出先进的5G网络并利用这些网络的固有特性(如网络切片),西班牙电信 Telefónica 与爱立信则共同定义并测试了首个按需流程(On-demand process),可以让消费者体验到性能更强的优质5G网络连接,堪称完成了一项里程碑之举。

Tested at the 5TONIC Lab in Madrid, and to be shown for the first time at MWC 2024, the proof of concept (PoC) is said to “represent a new era of innovation for consumer experience”. Available on Android 14 platforms, it “enables subscribers to enhance the service on their devices via time-restricted premium subscriptions that are available for on-demand purchase”, delivered via a dedicated slice of the network provided by Telefonica. For its part, the operator said the technology involved will empower it to offer targeted, premium slicing packages to subscribers.

两家切片技术的概念验证(PoC)测试在马德里的 5TONIC 实验室进行,切边技术将在2024 年世界移动通信大会(MWC)上首次展示,据称将代表消费者体验创新的新时代。该技术可在安卓 14 平台上使用,使用户能够通过按需购买的有时间限制的高级订阅,达到增强设备服务的目的,可通过 Telefonica 提供的专用网络提供。运营商表示Telefonica,相关技术将能够向用户提供有针对性的优质切片套餐。

The on-demand process was defined in the GSMA TS.43 specification of July 2023 and has been developed and implemented in collaboration between Telefonica network, Android OS in devices, and Ericsson supplying the underlying network architecture including its Secure Entitlement Server (SES). Ericsson Charging is used to secure monetisation of 5G slicing.

20237月发布的GSMA TS.43规范定义了按需流程,Telefonica网络、设备中的Android操作系统以及爱立信提供的底层网络架构(包括相关安全授权服务器(SES))共同开发并实施按需流程。爱立信计费(Ericsson Charging)则是用于确保 5G 切片的货币化。

Ericsson and Telefónica’s network slicing project placed an initial focus on showcasing all network slicing capabilities and how dynamic network slicing for end-to-end service orchestration can automate the full process, from slice design to slice configuration. During 2021 and 2022, the collaboration prioritised enterprise use cases and how network slicing could be deployed to secure the needed resources for industrial use cases. In 2023, the collaboration expanded its focus to the facilitation of slicing consumption and monetisation, working with other key partners.

爱立信和西班牙电信的网络切片项目最初的重点是展示所有网络切片功能以及用于端到端服务协调的动态网络切片实现从切片设计到切片配置的全过程自动化。在 2021 年和 2022 年期间,该合作项目转向优先考虑企业用例以及如何部署网络切片以确保工业用例所需的资源。在 2023 年,该合作项目将重点扩大到促进与其他重要合作伙伴合作切片消费和货币化。

“This work is a step forward in the Telefonica’s customer journey into slicing enabling monetisation of network assets in residential market,” said Cayetano Carbajo, director of core and transport in Telefónica CTIO. “This mechanism allows on-demand session-based services associated to a tailored quality of experience. Telefonica is pleased with the level of maturity reached through Ericsson’s technology and a large set of device manufacturers such as Google Pixel, Samsung Electronics and Xiaomi Technology.”

西班牙电信CTIO 核心与传输总监 Cayetano Carbajo 表示,这项工作是 西班牙电信客户在住宅市场实现网络资产货币化的切片过程中向前迈出的一步。这种机制允许提供与定制体验质量相关的按需会话服务。西班牙电信对爱立信和谷歌 Pixel、三星电子和小米科技等一大批设备制造商所达到的成熟水平感到满意。

Mats Karlsson, head of solution area business and operations support systems at Ericsson, added: “This new approach to network slicing, making innovative use of Ericsson Dynamic Network Slicing, represents a key milestone in Ericsson and Telefónica’s ongoing network slicing journey and is set to drive consumer experience to new innovation heights.

爱立信业务和运营支持系统解决方案领域主管 Mats Karlsson 补充表示,这种网络切片方法创新地利用爱立信动态网络切片技术,是爱立信和西班牙电信在网络切片之旅的一个重要里程碑,并且必将推动消费者体验达到新的创新高度。

“It will enable subscribers to, for example, access exclusive interactive content during a live concert or subscribe to premium experiences during specific events that involve the use of a network slice.”









