IBM 为温网部署新的 GenAI 功能

M 的人工智能和数据平台 Watsonx 将用于支持温布尔登 2024 年草地网球锦标赛的 Catch Me Up 功能。Catch Me Up 功能可以通过 和 Wimbledon 2024 App 显示赛前和赛后的球员卡片以及人工智能生成的球员故事和分析。

IBM 最近为温布尔登草地网球俱乐部数字体验增添了新的基于生成式人工智能(GenAI)功能。IBM 的人工智能和数据平台 Watsonx 将用于支持温布尔登 2024 年草地网球锦标赛的 Catch Me Up 功能。Catch Me Up 功能可以通过 和 Wimbledon 2024 App 显示赛前和赛后的球员卡片以及人工智能生成的球员故事和分析。

Catch Me Up was built using IBM’s Granite large language model (LLM) to provide AI-generated text using the capabilities of the Watsonx platform. IBM said the model was trained on the Wimbledon editorial style and is being monitored by the All England Club.

Catch Me Up 使用 IBM 的 Granite 大型语言模型构建,可以利用 Watsonx 平台的功能提供人工智能生成的文本。IBM 表示,Granite 模型是根据温布尔登的编辑风格进行训练的,并由全英俱乐部监控。

According to IBM, the feature is designed to help Wimbledon scale its content to both new and existing tennis fans globally, as well as provide fans access to timelier, curated coverage across ladies’ and gentlemen’s singles matches which are often happening simultaneously.

据 IBM 称,Catch Me Up 功能旨在帮助温布尔登网球公开赛向全球新老球迷提供更多内容,同时为球迷提供更及时、更精心策划的女单和男单比赛报道,这些比赛通常同时进行。

This year, Wimbledon will also use generative AI to provide coverage of a broader range of matches than was previously available, including wheelchair events. The enhancements form part of a redesigned digital match centre, known as IBM Slamtracker, which is available on the Wimbledon App and Using generative AI built from Watsonx, IBM Slamtracker offers bullet point-based match previews and post-match reviews for ladies’ and gentlemen’s singles matches.

温布尔登网球公开赛今年还将使用人工智能生成技术提供比以往更广泛的比赛报道,包括轮椅赛事。这些增强功能是经过重新设计的、名为 IBM Slamtracker 的数字比赛中心的一部分。IBM Slamtracker 可在温布尔登应用程序和 上使用。IBM Slamtracker 用了 Watsonx 构建的生成式人工智能,能为女单和男单比赛以要点列表格式提供比赛预览和赛后评论。

Chris Clements, digital products lead at the All England Club, said: “We are committed to offering fans the highest quality Wimbledon experience, whether it’s in person or digitally.

全英俱乐部数字产品负责人 Chris Clements 表示, “我们肯定要为球迷提供最优质的温布尔登体验,不管是现场体验还是数字体验都是最优质的。”

“Generative AI allows us to scale our ability to provide different types of content for fans wherever they are in the world in a way that’s personalised for them. This year’s new Catch Me Up feature will make it easier for fans to follow the key storylines as they emerge throughout The Championships.”

他表示,“生成式人工智使我们能够为世界各地的球迷提供不同类型的个性化内容。今年新推出的‘Catch Me Up’功能将使粉丝更容易地跟踪在整个比赛期间出现的关键故事情节。”

The majority of tennis fans are positive about AI, a global Morning Consult survey commissioned by IBM based has reported. Real-time updates (36%), personalised content (31%), and unique insights (30%) are the top three areas tennis fans selected when asked to rate the technologies that would offer a better fan experience.

根据IBM委托全球Morning Consult进行的调查报告显示,大多数网球迷对人工智能持正面的态度。网球迷在被问到哪些技术可以提供更好的球迷体验时选择的前三个领域分别为实时更新(36%)、个性化内容(31%)和独特见解(30%)。

Among the more interesting results from the survey is that approximately one-third (31%) of global tennis fans surveyed use multiple devices while watching sporting events, primarily to get more information, watch multiple matches at the same time, and interact with other fans.


In addition, nearly half (47%) of them engage with additional content on tennis daily or weekly and rank summarisation and personalisation as the two most important features of sports content.


Discussing the use of AI in the IBM/Lawn Tennis Association partnership, Jonathan Adashek, senior vice-president of marketing and communications for IBM, said: “Our new research confirms they are beginning to understand the positive impact technologies such as generative AI can have on their digital experiences. IBM is also putting these same technologies from our AI and data platform Watsonx into the hands of clients worldwide, across nearly every sector, to address their unique business needs.”

在谈到人工智能在 IBM 与草地网球协会合作中的应用时,IBM 营销与传播高级副总裁 Jonathan Adashek 表示,“我们的新研究证实,大家已经开始了解生成式人工智能等技术对数字体验产生的积极影响。IBM也正在将我们这些人工智能和数据平台 Watsonx  技术提供给全球几乎所有行业的客户,以求满足他们独特的业务需求。”

The Championships at Wimbledon will run from 1 to 14 July 2024.

2024 年温布尔登网球锦标赛将于 7 月 1 日至 14 日举行。








