The onslaught of press, research and perceived urgency has done little to prepare business and information technology leaders to deploy artificial intelligence-powered technologies.
That’s according to the first Cisco AI Readiness Index, issued Tuesday. The company used a double-blind survey of over 8,000 business and IT leaders worldwide.
上面的结论是根据本周二发布的第一份思科人工智能准备指数得出的。思科公司对全球 8000 多名商业和 IT 领导者进行了双盲调查。

The findings are alarming. Although 97% of the organizations say that the urgency around deploying AI tech has risen in the last six months, only 14% feel they’re prepared to deploy and utilize it.
Liz Centoni, Cisco’s executive vice president and general manager of applications and chief strategy officer, noted that organizations are under intense pressure to execute and capitalize on the potential of AI. “To realize the benefit of AI-powered products and services,” she said, “companies need solutions that secure and observe their AI models and toolchains to ensure performance, secure sensitive data and systems, and deliver trustworthy and responsible AI outcomes.”
思科执行副总裁兼应用总经理和首席战略官 Liz Centoni 指出,企业在执行和利用人工智能潜力方面面临巨大压力。她表示,“为了实现人工智能驱动的产品和服务的效益,企业需要能够保护和监控其人工智能模型和工具链的解决方案,以确保性能、敏感数据和系统的安全并交付值得信赖和负责任的人工智能结果。”
This is consistent with my conversations with business and IT leaders. Since the launch of OpenAI LP’s ChatGPT, AI has hit the business world like Thor’s hammer and created intense pressure to embrace and leverage AI. One chief information officer of a major retailer told me that his leadership believes that if they are late to adopt AI, they will fall behind quickly and struggle to catch up, and that has created an unprecedented sense of urgency around AI.
这一点和笔者在与企业和 IT 领导者的交谈中得出的结果是一致的。自 OpenAI 推出 ChatGPT 以来,人工智能宛如雷神之锤一般砸向商业世界,企业面临拥抱和利用人工智能的巨大压力。一家大型零售商的首席信息官告诉笔者,他的领导层认为,如果他们迟迟不采用人工智能就会很快落在后面,并且再难追上,他们不可避免地对人工智能产生了前所未有的紧迫感。
The risk, though, is that if AI is done wrong, it can create negative experiences. It was good to see Cisco try and quantify the gap between what companies want and how ready they are.
Here are some of the key findings:
* **Businesses are feeling the heat:** 61% say they have just a year to implement their AI strategy before facing negative impact.
- 企业有压力: 61%的企业表示,他们只有一年的时间实施人工智能战略,否则会面临负面影响。
* **But they have a strategy:** 95% of organizations say they have a well-defined AI strategy or are developing one.
- 但他们制定了策略:95% 的企业表示,他们已经制定了明确的人工智能策略或正在制定中。
* **Networks are lagging:** Only 17% of organizations have flexible networks that can handle the complexity of AI.
- 网络滞后:只有 17% 的企业拥有能够应对人工智能复杂性的灵活网络。
* **Data is not ready:** Data underlies AI operations, and 81% of those surveyed say they face siloed or fragmented data in their organization.
- 数据尚未准备就绪:数据是人工智能运作的基础,81%的受访者表示他们的组织面临数据孤立或数据碎片化的问题。
* **Talent is lacking:** Although boards and leadership embrace AI (82% of both groups show high or moderate interest), 22% of middle managers have either limited or no receptiveness to AI. In addition, 31% of organizations say their employees resist or unwilling to embrace AI. And although 90% of organizations say they have invested in training, 29% are worried about finding the right talent.
- 缺乏人才: 尽管董事会和领导层都支持人工智能(82%的董事会和领导层对人工智能表现出高度或中度兴趣),但22%的中层管理人员对人工智能的接受程度有限或根本不接受。此外,31%的企业表示他们的员工抵制或不愿意接受人工智能。尽管 90% 的企业表示已经在培训方面进行了投资,但仍有 29% 的企业担心找不到合适的人才。
* **Governance is off to a slow start:** Cisco says that **** 76% of organizations don’t have broad AI policies — a must for wide acceptance and use of AI-based tools.
- 治理进展缓慢:思科表示, 76%的组织没有广泛的人工智能政策。而人工智能政策是广泛接受和使用人工智能工具的必要条件。
* **Culture is a challenge:** The C-suite is receptive to the changes AI will usher in. Cisco believes they must lead planning and communication to bring along lower and middle management, who are skeptical. Although there is skepticism, 79% say their organization is embracing AI with a moderate to high level of urgency.
- 企业文化的挑战:高层管理人员乐于接受人工智能带来的变革。思科认为他们必须主导规划和沟通,以带动持怀疑态度的中低层管理人员。尽管存在怀疑,但79% 的人表示,他们的组织正以中度到高度的紧迫感拥抱人工智能。
Initially, I thought the headline number of 14% feeling prepared was low. But, in reality, it could be much lower. AI has been brewing for years, but it has always felt a bit nebulous, or like something that was lurking in an amorphous future.
笔者最初认为 14% 的人感觉做好了准备这个数字有点偏低。但实际上这个数字可能还要低得多。人工智能已经酝酿了多年,但在过去的感觉总是有些模糊,或者说,人工智能更像是隐藏在模糊的未来里的东西。
The rise of ChatGPT and generative AI has changed that equation. It’s no longer some science fiction story. It’s a reality on the immediate horizon.
ChatGPT 和生成式人工智能的兴起改变了这一常态。人工智能不再是科幻小说中的故事。人工智能已经成为现实,就在我们的眼前。
Cisco’s AI Readiness Index is a great wakeup call. AI is a potent tool. But, as with any kind of technology shift, change can be tricky. Like the rise of e-commerce and the web, AI must be embraced organization-wide. Boards and leadership teams must make it an imperative for middle and lower managers.
Leaders and managers must support change management programs that can bring frontline employees along. The faster they embrace AI, the quicker the organization benefits.
It will be interesting to track this data over time. AI is inevitable. I would bet that the acceptance will be way up next year, by hook or by crook.